Mark Vanderlip

About Me:
As a masters-level Nationally Certified and Licensed Professional Counselor, from 2007 through 2020, I specialized in trauma therapy and relationship counseling.
After hearing of Jesus’ miraculous healing power through deliverance, first reported to me by several of my clients, my life & faith changed! I had believed that there was more to Jesus, but I hadn’t yet seen and experienced His transformative Love personally. I was ‘saved and going to heaven’, but didn’t have an awareness of the magnitude and majesty of the kingdom of God within me. But I was quickly becoming aware of Holy Spirit’s desire to allow full access to the good gifts from our Father God.
Apostle Mike Brewer (who Holy Spirit had led me to through my clients being healed by Jesus when Mike did deliverance prayer with them) invited me to come learn with him, after I called him to ask how my clients were getting healed. I was a leader in a Baptist church and I was unprepared for, but yearning for, what God was about to show me.
What I saw and experienced rocked me to my core. It was what Jesus does all through the gospels and what He tells us to do. It was the loving, healing power of God through Holy Spirit in us! Jesus became alive to me as I pursued Him experientially and intimately. And I started to be more and more aware that God is, and had always been, trying to get my attention & devotion so that He could talk to me personally!
I retired my professional license and began focusing more and more on deliverance and inner-healing, continuing to do counseling, but now as a pastor. I was moving further & further away from relying on tools & techniques, and learning to rely on Holy Spirit’s guidance for healing and delivering people from their torment & tormentors.
Instead of helping people cope, Christ in me was healing people! Then, they didn’t have to depend on me, but rather on Him, for everything that they needed. I could be there for support, but He alone would be their Foundation.
Since 2023 I’ve transitioned into leading deliverance prayer sessions daily. Now I do at least one 2-3hr. deliverance most days, and also offer pastoral counseling, inner healing/emotional healing, individual & group trainings and consultations, and mentoring. I offer all these ministry areas both in-person and online.
I have the best ‘job’ I could imagine. I get to simply love people and watch Jesus give them the healing & freedom that I always believed should be possible (I saw it all through the Bible), but now I know is not only possible, but fully available and accessible through Holy Spirit!