Mark Vanderlip, M.A.
As a masters-level Nationally Certified and Licensed Professional Counselor, from 2007 through 2020, I specialized in trauma therapy and relationship counseling.
After hearing of Jesus' miraculous healing power through deliverance, first reported to me by several of my clients, my life and faith changed! (Click the arrow to read more)

My Testimony
You & I can work together with Holy Spirit leading us to find Biblical, effective ways to heal & grow in your relationship with yourself, with others, and with Jesus your Creator.
Our souls (mind, emotions, will) have been adversely influenced since the time of conception. Holy Spirit brings us to Father God through Jesus to receive His perfectly personalized gifts of restoration, identity, and authority!
If you've submitted everything in your heart & life to Jesus and you're still stuck in bondage or torment, Jesus may need to detach and remove literal demons that have gained access to your life, family, and bloodline. Most people never knew how free they could be until they experienced Jesus' deliverance power!
"There's no 'one size fits all' order of progression in God's healing & growth work in your life & relationships. For example, some people may first need some pastoral counseling, or consultation, to prepare for deliverance. Some benefit from having follow-up pastoral counseling after they are free from their demons. Holy Spirit will lead all our sessions. We may think we're going to do one type of session and He guides us into a more perfect plan, surprising us both with the ways Father God shows love for His precious sons & daughters. But He never fails! When I started handing my sessions over to Holy Spirit, people started getting so much deeper healing and freedom!"
~ Mark Vanderlip